Monday, October 22, 2007

Lake Erie is Sustained by Tears.

"Science" may tell us that Lake Erie is polluted. "Science" may tell us that Lake Erie's water level is decreasing due to America's outsourcing of fresh water to quench the thirst of Asia.

I am not worried about these "scientists" with their Bunson Burners, hypothesiseseseses, white jackets, and pocket protectors. I am not worried because I know Lake Erie is sustained by the tears of Cleveland and Buffalo sports fans (and also non-Buffalo sports fans who are inhabit the area and look at the underdeveloped waterfront downtown, but that is a story for another time).

The Cleveland Indians, though not expected much of, and surely not favored against the now mighty NEVER an underdog Boston Red Sox, had Bandwagon Nation on the ropes. They were up 3-1 in the series and had all the momentum. Teams up 3-1 in a best of 7 rarely lose, and when they do tears must fall. Regardless of how much was expected, when your team has three wins in a best of seven and you watch your favorite team lose three times in a row. Tears will fall, and Lake Erie is sustained.

Across the Lake in Buffalo news of pre-season and regular season games in Toronto have been all over the news.
Buffalo and Toronto have a long standing relationship being on 90 miles apart. I liken it to casually dating someone for a period of years (Bills get 15,000 fans per game from Canada), but there was never any commitment. Then PAZOWIE the girl moves into your apartment complex and starts asking about your plans for Thanksgiving.
There is now a commitment to Toronto as being integral to the Bills staying in Buffalo. As a lifelong Bills fan, I know better. It is the first step in the Bills leaving Buffalo. And on that day my friends...the water level of Lake Erie will be sustained by the tears of this poster.

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