Thursday, December 11, 2008

Speaking of Cole Hamels....

The Phillies stud workhorse just recently told the world what everyone was thinking but didn't have the balls to say (except me, I said it last February because I'm awesome). The Mets are the most expensive choke artists this side of the 2004 Yankees.

Good job Cole. Here's to Philly not squandering a double digit lead in games in September.

Also, I'm going to sleep in order to more effectively rant about Eric Devendorf's dumb ass tomorrow.....fucking dick.


B-Rad said...

It's so gross. Its like the Packers or Steelers changing their jerseys. If baseball has anything, and in my opinion it doesn't have much, it's tradition. When classic teams like the Red Sox do something like this is sad, and stupid. Do the Red Sox REALLY need more money from the retahded Red Sox nation with this merchandising move?

B-Rad said...

Obviously that previous comment belongs in the above article.

I enjoyed Cole Hamels comment.

Oh Devendorf...

QB Eagles said...

World Series Champs 2008-- You guys want a DVD of the whole thing?????