Monday, November 19, 2007


I'd like to apologize to America for the Bills performance on National TV last night. Wow. The thing that really amazed me about the Patriots was how badly they want to obliterate you. Tom Brady especially, was relentless. Brady was flagged for intentional grounding and just went nuts on the ref arguing a pretty bad case. Whenever he misfired (which wasn't often) it was like he was watching his parents be tortured by Peyton Manning. He seemed completely oblivious as to the score. It was strangely transfixing.

I'd also like to welcome Patriots fans to an exclusive list of football fans that every other team hates. I'd say that with relative ease all fans of the other now 29 teams despise fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Dallas Cowboys. The Patriots are joining that bastard fraternity. Even as we speak eleven and twelve year old douche bags are looking to jump on the bandwagon. These pathetic creatures are looking to boost their life happiness because their hometown team is not as good. They want to be a part of a winner because they are losers in life. The male fans sport their Brady jerseys while ruminating what would happen if they put their pinky finger in their butt. The ladies, are even worse, drawn to Tom Brady's rugged sexiness these ingrown vulva hairs don't know who has the ball, but believe it is their right to talk smack like this guy:

And nobody...I mean nobody talks smack like Dig Em Frog.

1 comment:

Average at Best said...

The buffalo's limp dick just adds an almost superfluous indication of hopelessness and defeat. Great google searching Bradley.